The happiest time of the year
Tastykake pumpkin pie is back!
This is one of my favorite reasons for never moving out of the greater Philadelphia region. It's like a birthday present that lasts for 3 months of the year and I get to share it with my friends.
Om nom nom nom.
Thoughts on a sleepy morning
Last night I made a whole bunch of paper stars. Paper stars are awesome. They're cute, simple, easy to make, and yet for some reason people get happy just playing with them. I love crafting things, for some reason just following some simple instructions and making something out of something else impresses the hell out of certain people.
Today's shirt: Nuclear Physics (from shirt.woot!)
Morning, Sunshine!: Experiment #001
Welcome to the Morning Sunshine Experiment. I'm going to try every energy drink I can get my hands on... one at a time and rank them (primarily based on taste).
The first contestant: Full Throttle - Citrus Flavor
The following are my quotes on IRC while engaging in this experiment...
12:32 < dracoling> oh my god12:32 < dracoling> how the fuck do they get the taste of "FML" in a can!?
12:34 < dracoling> NewsFlash12:35 < dracoling> Full Throttle "Citrus" flavor still tastes like distilled self-hatred with a mild carbonation kick12:35 < nullren> dracoling: that sounds like some cheap, prison hooch12:36 < dracoling> prison hooch tastes better
12:43 < dracoling> AGH@#!$ this fucking eviljuice is attacking my heart12:43 < dracoling> why does this always happen when I drink this shit?12:43 * dracoling drinks more12:43 < nullren> because you do that12:43 < nullren> most people, when something is attacking their heart, they stop it12:44 < dracoling> this needs vodka12:44 < dlz> not dracoling12:44 < dlz> he's hardcore12:44 < dlz> HARD12:44 < dlz> CORE12:44 < dracoling> xxHARDCORExx12:44 < dlz> HAR DUH12:44 < dlz> KOR EH
12:45 < dracoling> 'panthothenic acid'12:45 < dracoling> does that mean acid of the gods?
12:46 < dracoling> man, I hope the other can I bought tastes better
12:49 < dracoling> ow. goddamnit... fuckow...12:50 < dracoling> must. finish. energy. drink. before. dying.
13:05 < dracoling> I was just told I look mad strung out13:05 < dracoling> fuck yes13:05 < dracoling> lol13:05 < dracoling> "dude, you're drinking that full throttle shit again? You may as well just do an 8-ball!"
14:24 < dracoling> hokay so14:24 < dracoling> I'm fecking tired now14:24 < dracoling> stupid energy drink
I give this horrible taste abortion -100 points. It feels like I'm paying for my sins or something and I didn't even get a good buzz.
Book: For the Win
I read this just before last WildFire, saw it on the shelf on the way out this morning and decided to read it again.