Possibly not spam ramblings and links from the edge of the universe


This is just silly

This post has been reserved for the Live Blog of the Closing Night performance of Carousel at Town and Country Players Theater.

Yes, this is a foolish idea, but it amuses me... so lets get started.

6:00 - Doors open at 7.30, show starts at 8pm. oh by the way, my mouse is messed up again and I'll be typing in the dark. Stay Tuned!

7:15 - mic checks are mostly done. Some of the cast is sitting in the house practicing for this evening's post-show cabaret party.

7:25 - woo! Mic checks actually got finished 5 minutes before we opened tonight!

8:09 - lights come up... let the show begin.

- OMG, Julie _TOTALLY_ has a crush on the guy from the Carousel... Billy whatever

Posted by dracoling

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