Hot Topic Is Not Punk Rock
I think I'll just leave this here...
Books about Evanescence,
Are not punk rock!
Guns & Roses watches,
Are not punk rock!
Hello Kitty iPod cases,
Are not punk rock!
Rob Zombie lunch boxes,
Are not punk rock!
Slipknot binder paper,
Is not punk rock!
Tinkerbell pillow cases,
Are not punk rock!
Led Zeppelin air fresheners,
Are not punk rock!
Tupac incense burners,
Are not punk rock!
Hot Topic is not punk rock!
Hot Topic is not punk rock!
Hot Topic is not punk rock!
Hot Topic is not punk rock!
Misfits candle tins,
Are not punk rock!
ICP throw blankets,
Are not punk rock!
Beaded Elvis curtains,
Are not punk rock!
Talking Lambchop plush dolls,
Are not punk rock!
AC/DC hair clips,
Are not punk rock!
Spongebob wristbands,
Are not punk rock!
Sex Pistols boxer shorts,
Are not punk rock!
Dischord back catalog,
Okay. Maybe that's punk rock.
Hot Topic is not punk rock!
Hot Topic is not punk rock!
Hot Topic is not punk rock!
Hot Topic is not punk rock!
Hot Topic is a contrived identification with youth subcultures to manufacture an anti-authoritarian identity and make millions.
The $8 you paid for the Mudvayne poster would be better spent used to see your brother's friend's band.
DIY ethics are punk rock.
Starting your own label is punk rock.
G.G. Allin was punk rock.
But when a crass corporate vulture feeds on mass-consumer culture,
this spending mommy's money is not punk rock!
Lyrics by Mc Lars (Andrew Nielsen)
The 9 Steps to Live “The Way” by Miyamoto Musashi
- Do not think dishonestly.
- The Way is to train.
- Have knowledge of every art.
- Know the Way of all professions.
- Know the difference between profit and loss in worldly matters.
- Develop intuition and an understanding of all things.
- See that which cannot be seen.
- Attend even to the seemingly insignificant.
- Do nothing which is useless.
From Williamsburg to Wiki-gardening
This week I was treated to a family trip to historic Williamsburg, VA from Sunday to Wednesday. I took a ton of pictures, and geocoded most of them on my flickr account. Now that I'm back to work (for two whole days! woo!) I'm gardening a bit on the Star Pirates wiki.
I had intended for this to be longer, but you know what? Suffer.
A Day At The Park
Yankees vs. Orioles
July 22, 2009
Time: 1:05pm
Place: Yankee Stadium
The day started bright and early at 7:00 AM. We dressed in silence, both of us thrilled at the fun we were sure the day would bring. By 8:00 we had our tickets, water and sunglasses, and we headed for the train station.